My father was a serial rapist. My mother was a whore. My brother is a serial killer. i escaped their madness, and…
forged my path to freedom
get a copy of my book “Son of a Whore” to learn how I broke generational trauma to live without limitations

Achieve Your Freedom
Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU.
There was a time when I was afraid of poverty, homelessness, and not being loved. A victim of abuse and neglect, I felt that I was destined to repeat the sins of my parents, and live a similar life. However, the life force in me – my human spirit – was not willing to concede and give up. I thirsted for more. All who take the time to seek, eventually find their answers – I found a way to set myself free from my family’s dark legacy. I took my power from the horrors of the past, focused my creative energy on my desires, and fueled my dreams with inspired action.
Get my book to learn the exact steps you can take to do the same.
don't judge your past
embrace your experiences
release anger, judgement and pain
practice gratitude for all experiences
live at cause
take radical ownership of your life
see yourself thrive
personal responsibility
Even if you are an abuse and neglect survivor, you are no one’s victim. when you step up to take ownership of your life, you CAN create the life you want.
Goal Setting
If you conceive it in your heart, and fuel your dreams with inspired action, no trauma, no obstacle, and no hardship are too big to overcome.
heart focused
Real transformation can only come from connecting to every part of who you were and are – victim, villian, and victor alike.
We are not meant to heal on our own. You need a supportive community that is willing to love on you and to hold you accountable to your dreams.
Dreams remain wishful thinking unless we put inspired action into making them happen. Just as faith is dead without works, so is our success.
From the slums of Georgia and the projects of New Jersey, I climbed my way to the top of the world.
it's up to you...
The power to change the past is not in our hands. However, the power to decide on who we are RIGHT NOW – in the moment – is 100% in our control. But…
It has to start with your decision.
Do you want to remain a victim? Living in the shadow of someone else’s decisions. Or do you want to be an overcomer? Having a say in what happens for you from this moment on?
If I could change my life around to avoid poverty, abuse, and possibly becoming a criminal, what do you think is possible for you?
Get my book to learn how you can shed the chains of your pain, so you can soar to unthinkable heights.
You might have been conditioned to believe that you can never amount to much. That your pain defines you. That your mistakes dictate how you will live out your time on this Earth.
You might have been programmed to believe that you are a victim and your life has been predetermined for you.
Nothing can be further from the truth – you CAN write your own story. You CAN create your own legacy. You CAN have the life of your dreams.
"Son of a Whore" Reviews and Praise
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